That is, was the hacking done on your own, owned equipment; then its legal to stream it from anywhere, as you're done it for educational purposes and not copied or hosted anything. And you haven't gained by hacking outside of your own equipment to allow viewing by others commercially. Writing plugins that need installing and configuring by the end users, is a complex task, so it's good for our society to maintain its legality. <<< That's the point, the complexity must be maintained in installation and configuration, to ensure the end users gaining knowledge for the good of our society.
That's basically what educational stuff is all about, and that's good for the education of ourselves and society. If you hack on behalf of somebody else without owning the original equipment or security and support said equipment completely configured, then that'll be outlawed and will be ruled appropriately in the courts, in my opinion
An interesting thread occurred on the Sky forum about this issue, as soon as I meantioned its legal to stream content through the rules of the EU, it was immediately hidden from the forum users.
Writing articles about hacking is also perfectly acceptable, unless you're under the official secrets act