Ukraine and mental health

All those comments concerning violence associated with mental illness is discrimination at its worse, debate and highlight your experience of this topic.

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Ukraine and mental health

Post by embleton » Sat Mar 05, 2022 10:57 am

People with severe mental health issues are impacted by current affairs especially when war takes place as this is my experience of how this impacts me personally and what I see globally.

When people express we, meaning those living with severe mental health issues, take up views and those around us say it's our illness and not based on feelings and what we perceive and see it is a shocking attack on us and our rights and not to be discriminated about however it is put, we have a right to express our views we are usually the first to be impacted by wars and that is shown in the past, eg: world war 2 a key example when we were systematically exterminated by Germany almost first and it is almost likely from what I see that holds true now!

Our close friends, family and professionals don't have the right to insult us about our lifestyle without us having the right to retaliation either verbally or in writing, we have that right under human conventions to express our views strongly when wars take place as is the case in Ukraine.

It is my view that more action should be taken in the Ukraine Russian war in the form of defending those with severe mental illnesses, they are usually one of the sections of our society that is the least mobile in my own experience, and as I see it in the news a ceasefire should take place to allows those people living with severe mental health free passage to safe zones around the world and they should be supported with these tasks.

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