Negative emotional thoughts progressing to positive thought

Mental health care: good, bad, or just plain ugly?

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Negative emotional thoughts progressing to positive thought

Post by embleton » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:03 am

Those who have been around negative energy know what it feels like emotionally to be attacked by those suffering from and living with negativity, even our society is in this frame of mind and body currently.

What you can do? Assist these individuals whether friends or enemies and society by defending yourself and teaching them to defend themselves emotionally. Through use of their right side of the brain (artistic/imagination) that processes information a million times faster than the logical thinking left hemisphere of the brain of these thoughtless thoughts that move slowly throughout space and time, to a more positive way and faster way of thinking.

We can all logically switch between the artistic and logical mind quickly. So that processing information quickly across the sweet brain hemispheres are achieved to effectively speed up our natural abilities that we all have, but think is unachievable in mixing these two qualities together.

Everyone has their own abilities in training themselves and no one method works for all. But in the parapsychological world that we all know individuals that are able to almost see the unseen world of higher planes of reality. And sense spirituality, being in contact and feeling the higher levels of the environment is almost a must in the world of austerity. That is very negative way that our world is unknowing progressing in the world around us in a fixed materialistic thinking reality that doesn't live alone.

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