Streaming and On Demand IPTV reliability.
Moderator: embleton
Streaming and On Demand IPTV reliability.
Serving these services currently over the internet is turning out to be troublesome even for those with superfast broadband connections because of the growing demand on the internet backbones, and is especially unreliable on slow broadband connections. These IPTV services are unreliable for they require very timely delivery of data packets unless a large buffering window is used, and then the streaming content requires sometime to first start. The reliability can be further impacted by those that use devices in their homes that are connected over wifi, for this suffers its own difficulties because of the overlapping wifi channels present in most built up areas. Why is not the government allocating more airway spectrum space for wifi networks, as this is a very troublesome area for all concerned and is impacting probably 50% of the population? For the former, backbone capacity needs to be upgraded quickly as these streaming services are taken up by the populous. Internet providers and governments need to spend money on improving our capabilities in delivering these rather new content delivery mechanism for internet protocol on demand TV, and the content distribution network (CDN) for each area needs improving locally, not just in London! What do others think of these services and what problems have you experienced in the reliability of your internet provided TV content?