Simcity Buildit simulator for iOS/Android Tips

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Simcity Buildit simulator for iOS/Android Tips

Post by embleton » Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:41 pm

I'm not one for playing games, usually, but this game is really enjoyable and keeps the mind ticking with mental arithmetic, pattern shifting with glorious graphics of the city you plan and design. It has multiplayer functionality built in for trading goods that are manufactured in your factories or produced in your stores. But remember it's only a game, as it can frustrate one at the higher levels, for it gets more difficult above level thirty three.

Some advise; don't move up the levels too quickly, as area expansion and storage expansion components become more difficult to obtain at those levels, and you'll find that you're stuck at a point without the ability to do much else but wait days on end to extend and play the game to its full. Open your port shipping front as soon as possible; this is a method for collecting keys by fulling cargo ships with goods and collecting a key for each shipment. The vu tower is very useful for obtaining keys also, that unlock additional speciality buildings for educational, entertainment, gambling, landmarks and seafront decoration that boosts your population in areas that these special structures extend into and this boosts the population by thousands in one sweep.

Don't be afraid to destroy roads and move structures around the playing area that you have to place your speciality buildings in there best position for the maximum population boost. The easiest method to obtain population boosts with being able to fit those structures in are with parks, gambling, transportation, education and then entertainment in that order. Whilst you wait for goods to be manufactured or made up in your stores; visit other people's cities for buying goods from their depot, also take a good look around each individual city, for you can collect freebies and this includes the occasional key!

If you start getting all of the same type of material or goods when playing Simcity Buildit in the global trade HQ then there will be a reason, usually it's because your at too low or high a level without the necessary stuff; such as lack of vu tower, store, speciality buildings as in educational institutions or a low population for the necessary level. When you have worked through the necessary steps you need for your city the global HQ trading centre will start offering goods and material more appropriately for the needs of the city you are building. Also some items trade more at certain times of the day, expansion components usually at 11pm to 2am gmt, for some reason.

Keep your factories at the cheaper end of the market until higher levels; it's a waste of valuable resources to spent coins on expensive factories without a good reason, take no notice of prompts about upgrading your factories, it should be done slowly and this is especially so once you have got mass production factories, high tech and nano factories are not necessary until at lease levels above 35 and so on. More important is an airport and that costs 120K coins or upgrading the vu tower to higher levels of disaster abilities. When upgrading the vu tower or building an airport unless you need the population for the upgrade then forget about failing roads because of traffic jams, as a few thousand will not effect tax revenue greatly, you can upgrade these when the vu tower or airport are being built, as that takes time to complete; usually of the order of a day or almost day and quarter for the airport.

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Re: Simcity Buildit simulator for iOS/Android Tips

Post by embleton » Wed Jul 08, 2015 8:20 pm

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