iOS 8.4 impressions on reliability and music app

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iOS 8.4 impressions on reliability and music app

Post by embleton » Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:00 pm

iOS 8.4 is a large step forward with the enhancements of the music app for this release, and I love everything about the subscription service for radio stations, generally music mixes and ease of use that has been criticised by several publications as being poor; and I don't agree it's a learning curve that's hard to overcome with usability.

But there are some annoying bugs with interaction with facilities and apps on the iPhone/iPad paired together by continuity when iMessages, phone calls and push notifications are received. When these activities occur that are listed the iPhone throws a wobbly and ends the playback of music on the iOS device completely when it should just mute the sound until such things have been handled then carry on playing the music that is on the queue appropriately. It is especially prevailing when mirroring to an Apple TV or playing music through an Airport Express to my hi-fi.

Another item that's not impressive is one cannot mirror and play music videos to an Apple TV, believe this bug may get fixed at the end of the year. How these bugs get through the beta programme is anyone's guess but I'd assume it's because beta testers only use a single device for beta testing, and Apple don't vet beta testers appropriately for usefulness, as I've attempted to join the open beta programme for iOS and haven't heard a pip since applying about six weeks ago; come on Apple get your act together and get more individuals on the beta that can test such releases across connected devices with continuity in a truly working environment.

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