Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

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Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:40 pm

I've been on the Sky forum for almost 2 years now and have read a great deal of posts and replies by members contributing to the forums, but have found it to offer slightly less usefulness in reality than it should when I've put up feedback, with the exceptional excellent reply that is very informative, maybe it's just forums in general and society with its pressures of real life, or indeed me being paranoid or too critical!

In my opinion, those replying generally should engage the audience and provide feedback that is uniquely writer and tailored to each poster, depending on their abilities all round; those referring to debates about Sky products and services whether positive or negative shouldn't refer to them as arguments or defend Sky to the end, it's absolutely shocking the arrogants of some of those that have been ranked up, espectially to the highest level; they should remember being so ranked up doesn't make them a god or even right, and pardon my own arrogance for stating this but somebody does need to say something about general politeness, even when those posting will do so negatively or complain generally occasionally, one should look at both sides of the equation, not just Sky's; generally you're not Sky employees, so why act like you are generally. One should provide feedback based on your own experience is my motto, praise and criticise accordingly their products and services, as in the real world nothing is perfect and everything can be improved!

I've had one individual state why do you post on the Sky forums when it was the negative feedback that I was providing and another refers to negative feedback about advertisements as an argument, recently. My posts are not arguments they're up for debate generally, and to provide feedback that hopefully will help Sky improve their services and products, and to inform members generally about what I really think :D

If those on the Sky forums consider that I'm not wanted, then please state so and I'll run along and write on my own forums accordingly.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Sat Jan 09, 2016 11:58 pm

This was posted up onto the Sky forums and interestingly the two individuals concerned did reply to the thread, one in the form of PM the person concerned they may have changed their mind, and that I do really accept as an apology, thank you. The other individual thought the post pointless for I didn't name the two individuals concerned, and generally disagreed with all the points raised as feedback, that newly promoted superuser in my opinion is an argumentative, impolite individual who doesn't understand that it was about them, by the way! That's the point mate, it was very relevant and got the neccessary reply, that you just generally reply without thinking or even considering that you may be wrong, and you don't make any attempt to learn, research or even consider that you may need to adjust your behaviour.

Please don't reply to my posts on the Sky forum unless you've something constructive and intelligent to say, macros and generally disagreeing with everything others or repeating what others say doesn't add anything to the discussion or even content, make your own points, which you always seem to do by just totally disagreeing as usual with constructive negative feedback in both the discussions you were in, in threads I started. I've found that about you, that you're the one who argues without appropriate facts, I debate with constructive information provided that has been researched before even posting or go away with the information that has been provided by those in the thread, adjust the debate accordingly with further information to either reinforce my point or adjust its accuracy.

Stating that surveys by the government aren't factual statistically relavent, boy that's just silly about advertising on TV...

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:38 pm

Got your PM, reference the two questions. No I don't care that you're a superuser, why would I. I have my own forum that I'm the ultimate power on here, slightly higher than a basic moderator. With reference to your question on surveying the complete society in its entirety that would just take too long for any research, nobody does that in the real world they take a sample of society and use statistically analysis, so no your point isn't at all valid or practical. And another point, this isn't a private forum its public, that's why anyone can read it, or even write on it if they so wish as long as they follow the rules, which aren't the same as Sky's forum or under their control.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by daveNOS » Sun Jan 10, 2016 6:45 pm

Right seeing as you won't engage me in conversation on the Sky forum via the PM system but will respond here so shall i.
Question 1. Want exactly is your issue with me?
Just because i don't agree with you does not mean i am being argumentative its called a difference of opinion,that is the basis for discussion is it not.
Question 2. Why do you feel that its Ok to make public a complaint against someone without actually speaking to them first? And them seem pleased with yourself that the person or persons didn't realise you meant them,its kind of childish really.
If you have something to say you or you feel that i have offended you in any way them tell me like adults fo and we can work things out,don't hide away here on your forum replying to yourself about me,give me a chance to defend my points.

Not that i expect this post to last long here where you have "ultimate power".

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:20 pm

I don't delete posts that follow the rules, so don't worry about that fact. The issue I have with you is that you seem to apply your own view without first doing research or even correcting yourself, that I don't mind, but you come across rather negatively and arrogantly on the Sky forum whilst I've been reading your discussions on that forum with both myself and other posters, and have previously defended Sky to the point of ramming rules now people's face, as an example when you continuely reminded people that they can't use their broadband for business use, I can give you other examples but I believe you get the point.

People do have different views and that I respect, and may I apologies for my own arrogance in this matter, but please don't threaten me in a PM that you'll take the matter further, that is childish it's like stating you'll take the matter to the teacher! And it doesn't even worry me, to be perfectly honest, I found it rather amusing.

And welcome to the forum, even though it's not under the best of intentions.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:45 am

I'll ask you a question, do you have any ideal why I publish here first some of my posts, espectially those that are original before posting them on Sky? It's not because I'm speaking to myself, by the way :D

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by daveNOS » Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:47 am

Quoting the terms of a contract is not being arrogant in any way i find i appalling that people flagrantly breach the terms and then have the nerve to complain when something goes wrong.
Sometimes i am negative as are you that happens in life.
You day i don't research or correct myself which is blatantly not true if i am wrong i will say so and have done quite a few time on the forum,i also do research what I post if i am unfamiliar with the answer or need more information.
As for taking the matter further its not childish in any way u simply wont put up with someone making accusations and insults towards me especially when they don't have the decency to do so to my face,that is childish and is something i thought we grew out of when we left Junior School(well most of us did anyway).
I do apply my view to certain situations its called life experience and is in more cases than not a more useful tool than a copy and paste reply from someone who has never set foot outside of a classroom or a teaching environment,not everything needs researching to death in order to provide an answer.

I find it incredibly coincidental that you suddenly have these issues with me now that i have been made a superuser,my posting style has been the same for the near on 4 years i have been on the Sky forum,so why suddenly has it become such an issue for you(and apparently others who also lack the ability to speak to me about it)?
I could speculate why or lay an accusation at your door but that is not the way i go about things.

In all honesty i feel that this us something that i will never get to the bottom of or get a genuinely true answer to so i think i will simply stop replying to any of your threads on the Sky forum as despite your claims you clearly don't like peoples different opinions.

Im done.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Mon Jan 11, 2016 1:59 pm

If there was a register business at the address concerned you are right and any business use whatsoever is considered by Sky a breach of the contract.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by daveNOS » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:20 pm

Its not down to using the wrong terminology its the very fact that Sky don't allow their service to be used for anything other than reasonable domestic use,any form of telecommuting or work related activity that you are paid to do is seen as commercial use.
The T&C's could/should be more specific that is something that Sky need to look into,but and it is a big but that does not give someone the right to use the service in a way that is prohibited and it does not give them the right to break the terms of the contract.

As for your last post on the Sky forum where you state that if i have copied or photographed any thing from here then i have broken the law,namely the copyright act you may want to take some of your own advice and research it,i can quote parts of your post as often as i like where ever i like and i will have broken no law its called "right to quote".

I think its best if we agree that we will never agree and just move on,life is to short to engage in petty arguments and i for one am going to leave it as it is.

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Re: Sky forum feedback on its usefulness

Post by embleton » Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:43 pm

You can quote a small percentage, but if it exceeds that percentage as define by the copyright law you have broken it; there is no magic percentage it depends on the work, so be very careful. And it must be referenced to the original work.

We may not agree on this point reference percentage you can quote, and it would cost me a considerablable amount taken the matter further, which I could recover from you if I won the case. This I can assure you of, if I did win the case the penalty is up to 6 months in jail or up to £5000 fine or 10 years in jail on indictment, and that is fact it's a criminal offence to breach copyright. Losses are unlimited, but I'd need to prove the amount of loss in a civil court. Generally, in my opinion it's not wise to quote excessively on the internet if you can use a URL, I use my own words and point to a URL it's polite, and won't ever get you into any trouble ever. And I politely ask you do so in future reference this site on anyone's material, each posters work on this site belongs to the individual concerned respectfully reference copyright, and is time stamped respectfully because each post is a copyright work in its own right.

I received no communication from Sky reference the matter whatsoever that I had in anyway breached any T&C of use, a very much lessor civil matter that's likely I would have decided to change provider, really just an annoying fact. Any other claim by you would be laughed out of court, if you took any action in that direction, because I didn't do anything wrong whatsoever, it's called freedom of speech and the material was copyrighted by the way on here, that is where it was published first.

The other matter reference T&C and breach of contract on business use on Sky's broadband; internet providers generally put such noticed up more to protect themselves than anything else from the other party. And in any case on breach of contract what could Sky do in litigation or are likely to do, except remove the individual or business as a subscriber, Sky have made it clear they will do such today on posting anything on the internet that indicates you are using the connection in such a way.
